The goal of the Gig Harbor & Key Peninsula Land Fund is to help the Great Peninsula Conservancy have funds "ready to go" to conserve property in the Gig Harbor & Key Peninsula communities.
The GH/KP Land Fund is busy exploring properties in and around the greater Gig Harbor/ Key Peninsula area (including Fox Island, Purdy, etc.). If you have an idea for a property that should be conserved, please email us at ghlandfund@gmail.com.
PRoJECT #3 Success!
Our First Key Peninsula Project!

Contributed: $1,550
Thanks to memorial gifts in honor and memory of Key Peninsula resident Bill Trandum, $1,550 was sent in August 2024 to Key Peninsula Parks to help with their purchase of 10613-10619 Wright Bliss Road NW. This property adds to the existing 480-acre Key Central Forest. This is a wonderful legacy in remembrance of Mr. Trandum who contributed much to the KP community.
PRoJECT #2 Success!
"The Last piece" North Creek Salmon Heritage Site Phase 4

Contributed: $48,932.33
The GH/KP Land Fund cut the check in August, 2024 for this 11.5 acre property which closed August 28, 2024. This is the last piece of vacant land along North Creek and will expand the txʷaalqəł Conservation Area to over 50 acres! This acquisition will save critical habitat for Coho, Coastal Cutthroat Trout, Chum and ESA listed Puget-Sound Steelhead Trout as well as other wildlife. It will also save an incredibly beautiful forest and contribute to the health and natural beauty of Gig Harbor.
The Gig Harbor Land Conservation Fund is providing the matching funds for this project. The remainder of the purchase funds are coming from the Pierce County Conservation Futures Program. The Great Peninsula Conservancy managed this project but the property will be owned by the City of Gig Harbor. Read more here!​
Thank you to everyone who contributed! 2024. Stay tuned for the "Un-Ground-breaking Ceremony"
PRoJECT #1 - SUCCESS! North Creek Salmon Heritage Site Phase 3
In under a month we reached our goal to raise $50,000 to save "North Creek Forest"! The City closed on the property September 1, 2022 and had an "Un-Groundbreaking Ceremony" January 14th, 2023.
This 5.15 acre property was the site of a proposed 18 home development with a new road (just North of Donkey Creek Park). Given how this property was vested, stormwater run off from this development would have been damaging to North Creek where the WildFish Conservancy and WDFW have identified Coho, Coastal Cutthroat Trout, Chum and ESA listed Puget-Sound Steelhead Trout. Development will also mean the loss of a substantial wildlife corridor in the North Creek area.
This land is part of the the ancestral homelands and main village site, txʷaalqəł, of the sxʷəbabč peoples, the original residents of the area.
The GHLCF was thrilled to help the City purchase this property so that it will be conserved forever and will be open to the public to enjoy. The proposed vision is to create low-impact trails that will connect to future trails on additional conservation land that the City purchased in 2022 (Phase 1 and 2 described below).

The projects listed below (North Creek Salmon Heritage Site Phase 1 and Phase 2 are for information only. These City of Gig Harbor projects were started, and had funds committed, prior to the inception of the Gig Harbor Land Conservation Fund. However, they are related to our current Project #1 (NCSHS Phase 3) and are fantastic examples of properties the Fund would like to help conserve!

The North Creek Salmon Heritage Site (Phase 1) closed mid 2022. This purchase was funded by a grant from Pierce County Conservation Futures and the Puyallup Tribe of Indians. The City of Gig Harbor provided additional match dollars and covered the cost of environmental studies and the survey.
North Creek Salmon Heritage Site
Phase 1
Cheers to the City of Gig Harbor for purchasing11.5 acres just North of the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant and across the street from Donkey Creek Park (summer, 2022)! North Creek flows under Harborview Drive into this parcel. It's excellent salmon habitat (WildFish Conservancy and WDFW have identified Coho, Coastal Cutthroat Trout, Chum and ESA listed Puget-Sound Steelhead Trout. This land is also the ancestral homelands and main village site, txʷaalqəł, of the sxʷəbabč peoples, the original residents of the Gig Harbor area. Finally, the City has an opportunity to create a trail through this property from Harborview Dr. to the Cushman Trail!
North Creek salmon Heritage Site
Phase 2
The City closed on 23.87 acres farther up North Creek (adjacent to Phase 1) on October 31, 2022. This land contains incredibly important salmon habitat, is also located within the ancestral homelands and main village site of the sxʷəbabč peoples and it already contains a beautiful trail (we've nicknamed "Lushootseed Loop") that circles the property and provides yet another access to Cushman Trail!

The North Creek Salmon Heritage Site (Phase 2) is slated to close in 2022 and is funded by an "Opportunity Account" grant from Pierce County . The required match is being provided by the City of Gig Harbor. The GHLCF could provide matching funds for property purchases like this in the future.

What's Next?
how do we Hang On to what's left of open space and Habitat in Gig Harbor?
The community has spoken loud and clear through the City's Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS Plan) survey process that it wants more open space and trails (respondents from both within and outside of City limits).
The GHLCF Advisory Board is in frequent conversations with land-owners, the City of Gig Harbor as well as groups like the Great Peninsula Conservancy. We already have one project (Project #1) complete and are working on several others!
Please invest in the GHLCF today so that we will be ready to act as soon as opportunities arise. We need everyone's involvement.